Spay & Neuter Request Form
Thank you for supporting Second Chances Veterinary Care. We are an affordably priced outpatient surgery, procedural, and urgent care-focused veterinary clinic.
Spay/ Neuter Request Form
This form is used to request a pre-surgical exam with one of our staff members for a spay/neuter.
A Pre-Surgical Appointment performed less than 1-month prior to surgery is required for all SPAY/NEUTER procedures [except rescue organizations]. Vaccinations and pre-op lab work are performed on your pet during this time. Lab work performed PRIOR to the day of surgery is LESS EXPENSIVE than lab work performed the SAME DAY as surgery. Please fill out all of the following information and be as detailed as possible and review the Spay & Neuter Terms | Conditions | FAQs before submitting.
Review our Payment Policy and please fill out | return the Authorization to Provide Veterinary Services Form, 2nd Chances Payment Authorization Form attached.
Additional information will be sent to you to complete 24 hours prior to your arrival.
This form is for ROUTINE spay or neuter procedures and SHOULD NOT be used for emergency procedures, including PYOMETRA.
If you are a RESCUE, click here for your RESCUE SPECIFIC Spay/Neuter request form.