Pet Vaccines & Deworming

For best vaccination effectiveness and your pet’s safety, it is IDEAL to give vaccinations 2 weeks prior to or 2 weeks after any anesthetic or surgical procedure.

What about vaccines and other wellness services (ie: Heartworm testing) at the time of their surgical or dental procedure?

For best vaccination effectiveness (best immune response) and your pet’s safety, it is IDEAL to give vaccinations 2 weeks prior to or 2 weeks after any anesthetic or surgical procedure. A good time to consider vaccinations is when your pet comes in for preoperative lab work. If you are unwilling or unable to accommodate vaccinations prior to or after the day of surgery, we can administer the vaccines while here for their procedure. You will be asked to sign a waiver acknowledging the cons to vaccination performed in conjunction with anesthesia. Heartworm testing and deworming can easily be performed while your pet is here for surgery without potential complications.